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rumblies in my tumblies {or} check out my new tumblr account

I started this tumblr page for my ART 280 Media, Time, and Technology Arts class i'm taking this quarter at UW.

Mostly its  running record of what is inspiring me/ what i'm considering/ in terms of whatever current assignment I have...

My current challenge:

Tiles & Tesseracts
Create a 90 sec. max video
Sound optional

must have:
the ability to be a stand-alone piece
the ability to be viewed alongside your other classmates videos in whatever configuration, and make sense as being part of this new whole...
also must include something of a chain reaction - some kind of hand-off from one video to the next

my current idea:
my cell phone has a dream that it becomes sentient & sprouts limbs

... come follow tidbits of my process here!

2012 tracy yarkoni odell
